Welcome to a brand new series on reactJs  for beginners in this series we will start from scratch and learn the different concepts in react js

  1.  What is React, Why react, Why React is declarative?
  2. How to create a hello world react application?
  3. ReactJs Create react app project folder structure?
  4. What are components and types of components in react js
  5. How to create functional components in reactjs
  6. What is a class component and how to create class components in react?
  7. What is JSX and why it is used in reactjs?
  8. How to pass props from parent to child components in react js?
  9. What are the differences between Named export and default export?
  10. What is state in react? How to use state in react? What are the differences between state and props?
  11. Do's and Don'ts of the state and setState() method in the React Js with best examples
  12. Events handling in react js with functional components vs class components?
  13. What is React Router and How to Configure Routes in ReactJs Application?
  14. React router v6 nested routes
  15. What are the Index routes, dynamic routes and nested dynamic routes
  16. React Router V6 Query Params and Search Param
  17. React Router Relative links and Lazy Loading
  18. Global state management using react context API?