Here are some of the key interview words and phrases that you can use in your job interview, so if you have an interview coming up for any role or any organization these words are guaranteed to impress the hiring manager and ultimately help you be the standout candidate and just very quickly.

1. Self-motivated

this is another incredible one so self-persuaded implies you needn't bother with any other person to push you or stop for a minute to do self-propelled individuals are a business' fantasy so during your meeting you could say this

Being someone self-motivated you can rely on me to maintain an enthusiastic approach to all tasks that I am responsible for

. Industrious 

this is an incredible word to use during your prospective employee meeting since it tells the recruiting director you are a persistent and dedicated individual so you could say this


I'm an enterprising individual who will forever try sincerely and center around finishing my obligations to the necessary norm

3. Take ownership 

so if you are the type of person who takes ownership of difficult challenges and problems the hiring manager is more likely to take you on in the role so during your job interview you could say this


I will forever take responsibility for difficulties and I will strive to defeat any issues I experience inside my work

4. Collaborating 

collaborating is another word for teamwork but as you and I already know most interview candidates will use the word teamwork many times during their interview so the word collaborate is guaranteed to resonate more strongly with the hiring manager and that's because to collaborate with other people means you will work jointly on an intellectual level so it's a superior word to utilize so during your meeting you could say

I appreciate working together with others on significant undertakings and tasks I generally attempt to utilize others' qualities and encounters to assist the group with accomplishing the normal target

5. Resilient

so in the event that you are a strong individual, it implies you will rapidly recuperate from tough spots so in your prospective employee meeting you could say

you should recruit me since I am a strong individual this implies I won't disintegrate under tension and I will forever zero in eagerly on accomplishing the organization's goals

6. Goals 

it's an incredible one to utilize so the word objectives are great to use during a new employee screening since it tells the recruiting chief you are the sort of individual who is continually endeavoring to accomplish something in their life so you could say this


I'm the sort of individual who consistently has both individual and expert objectives that I need to accomplish this guarantees I keep on track driven and propelled

7. Commercially aware 

this is another splendid one I love this expression since it implies you are the sort of individual who sees how ventures and organizations work so you could say this during your meeting
I'm financially mindful what I mean by this is I comprehend you really want individuals like me to endeavor to continually accomplish in the situation to consistently push ahead and to
 help you with achieving your business destinations

8. Results driven 

so results-driven individuals are an employing chief's fantasy an organization will possibly make repeating progress on the off chance that its staff are centered around accomplishing positive outcomes so
when the questioner says to you for what reason would it be advisable for us to recruit you? say this
you should employ me since I am an outcomes-driven individual I generally center around accomplishing positive results in all that I accomplish at work for instance, in my last work I assisted my organization with accomplishing record deals by growing our item range and by assisting the business with promoting its items all the more generally

9. Continuous development 

so all recruiting chiefs need to utilize individuals who assume liability for their own ceaseless turn of events so on the off chance that you are the kind of worker who occasionally examinations their exhibition and evaluates their own preparation and improvement needs you are bound to get employed so this is what to say during your meeting



I generally assume liability for my own ceaseless advancement I believe it's truly vital to occasionally dissect your exhibition at work so you can recognize preparing needs that will assist you with improving and developing with the organization

10. Embrace change 

presently this is one of the more impressive expressions you can use in a prospective employee meeting now we experience a daily reality such that organizations should constantly change and react to their client needs assuming they are to remain in front of the opposition currently certain individuals are hesitant to change anyway to stand apart during your new employee screening for the right reasons say this
one of my qualities is the way that I generally embrace change eagerly and transparently I consider a change to be something to be thankful for and assuming you at any point need me to assist you with executing the change in the organization I will gladly do as such

11. Positive mindset 

presently I would depict myself as an extremely sure individual and the more sure I. am the more beneficial things I draw in into my life so to show the employing director that you will be ideal for their group say this during your meeting
I will be ideal for this job. since my positive attitude implies I will forever be a strong collaborator I will ponder issues and difficulties and I will forever assist the business with surpassing its business targets

12. Frugal 

now, if you are frugal you are the type of person that keeps an eye on expenditure and spending now one of the key areas a business can increase its profit margins is by hiring people who are frugal with company supplies and resources so here's what you can say during your interview to impress the hiring manager

one of my strengths is the fact I am frugal I will always take care of company resources and supplies and I will try and find ways to help the company save money

13. Return on investment 

I love this phrase so I can guarantee that you will be the only person during your interview to use the phrase return on investment
now return on investment means the employer will get to see a positive financial return if they choose to hire you so you could say this during your interview

if you hire me in the position I will do things to make sure you see a positive return on your investment so this will include helping the team to improve customer service standards, increase sales and come up with new and innovative ways to help the company promote its products and services

14. Trustworthiness 

now a recent survey of hiring managers found that one of the top things they look for when hiring a candidate is trustworthiness, so here's how to use the word trustworthiness to your advantage in a job interview

I am an honest trustworthy and reliable person I appreciate you have worked hard to build up your business and as such, you can trust me to take care of your customers and to always represent the business positively in my words and my actions

15. Innovative 

so if you are innovative then you are the type of person who brings fresh ideas to the team and you always use creative thinking to solve difficult problems
so here's how to use the word innovative during your job interview

I am an innovative and creative problem solver who can bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and new ideas to the team

16. Resourceful 

so if you are resourceful then you are the type of person who is capable of finding quick and smart ways to overcome challenges and problems
so here's how to use the word resourceful in your job interview


I am a resourceful problem solver for example in my last role, I helped the company overcome a recurring and long-standing problem with its website by finding a suitably qualified web developer online


so there are 16 advanced words and phrases you can use in your job interview to impress the hiring manager don't forget to tell me in the comments section below, which one word you think is the strongest.

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it's always great to connect with like-minded professionals such as yourself thank you so much for reading this article and I wish you all the best for passing your job interview