In this article, we will get to know about What is the Index route, dynamic routes with react-router, and nested dynamic routes.
In the previous article, we learned about nested routes with React routers. we have the products page which consists of two nested routes
- featured which renders the list of featured products and
- new which renders the list of new products
However, you might have noticed that the child routes render only when the URL is
/products/featured or /products/new
What is an index route?
But sometimes you might want one of the child routes to render at the parent route level that is if we navigate to just products and the URL reads /products, we might still want to display the list of featured products
Now that can be achieved using what is called an index route in React router
let's see an example of index route,
The index route is also going to be a nested route so within the products route, add a new route component.
import { Component } from 'react'import { Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom'import { FeaturedProducts } from './components/FeaturedProducts';import { NewProducts } from './components/NewProducts';import { OrderSummary } from './components/OrderSummary';import { PageNotFound } from './components/PageNotFound';import { Products } from './components/Products';import Welcome from './components/Welcome'function App() {return (<Routes><Route path="/" element={<Welcome />} /><Route path="contact" element={<Component />} /><Route path="order-summary" element={<OrderSummary />} /><Route path="products" element={<Products />} ><Route index element={<FeaturedProducts />} /><Route path="featured" element={<FeaturedProducts />} /><Route path="new" element={<NewProducts />} /></Route><Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} /></Routes>);}export default App;
what is special here though is we don't specify the path prop instead we specify a prop called index this index route will now share the path of the parent route which is products, finally we specify the element prop just like the other routes since we want the featured products to be rendered the element is going to be the FeaturedProducts component.
if you now head back to the browser and navigate to the products page the URL is just /products but we still see the featured products child component, of course, if you click on featured it remains the same and you can also navigate to new products, but you can see the index route is working as expected.
So when you have nested routes and you want a route to be rendered at the parent URL make use of an index route, the index route will contain the index prop instead of the path prop, the path would be the same as the parent route.
Dynamic routes with React router?
Let's assume we are building an admin dashboard and we need a user listing and details page. If the user navigates to /users, we should display a list of three users
However in addition to this, if the user navigates to slash users followed by the id of that user, we need to display details about that individual user.
For example, if the user navigates to /users/1, we should display details about the first user.
Similarly, if the user navigates to /users/2 we need to display details about the second user, in /users/3 we need to display details about the third user
let's understand how to achieve this with React router
Let me create a new file in the components folder users.js, within the file let's define a component that displays a list of three users
import React from 'react'export const Users = () => {return (<div><h2> User 1</h2><h2> User 2</h2><h2> User 3</h2></div>)}
Now let's configure a route for this component in app.js, add a new route where the path prop is going to be equal to users and the element is going to be equal to the user's component that we have just defined make sure to import the component at the top
import { Component } from 'react'import { Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom'import { Users } from './components/Users'function App() {return (<Routes><Route path="users" element={<Users />} /><Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} /></Routes>);}export default App;
if you now head back to the browser and type in localhost:3000/users, we see the list of users as expected
Our listing page has been implemented.
Next, let's focus on the details page, we know that we need a detailed view for the user, so let's create a new component within the components folder a new file called user userdetails.js
import React from 'react'export const UserDetails = () => {return (<div>Details about user</div>)}
within the file, I'm going to create a component that renders the text details about the user and this same component has to be rendered for three different URLs
let's add the routes in app.js,
import { Component } from 'react'import { Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom'import { UserDetails } from './components/UserDetails';import { Users } from './components/Users';function App() {return (<Routes><Route path="users" element={<Users />} /><Route path="users/:userId" element={<UserDetails />} /><Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} /></Routes>);}export default App;
The correct solution is to. implement this functionality, use dynamic route segments, for our scenario the userId which can be 1, 2, 3, and so on. It should be a dynamic value and for such a value we specify what is termed as a URL param in React router
So instead of users/1, we specify users/:userId. This userId param will match any value as long as the pattern is the same that is the URL in the browser is /users/{any value}.
If we head back to the browser and navigate to /users/1, we see the user details page. It works for /2, /3, and even /100. So when you have to work with list and detail routes, dynamic routes are what you need.
Now there is one point that I would like you to make note of, the userId can be any string and not just a number, so in the browser, I could type /users/admin and it would render the same page
So in the components folder, I'm going to create a new file called admin.js, within the file I'm going to define and export a simple component the component name is admin and we're going to return some text admin user
import React from 'react'export const Admin = () => {return (<div>Admin user</div>)}
In the routes config, I'm going to add another route
route path is equal to users slash admin and element is going to be equal to the admin component, we have just defined, make sure to import the component at the top
import { Component } from 'react'import { Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom'import { Admin } from './components/Admin';import { UserDetails } from './components/UserDetails';import { Users } from './components/Users';import Welcome from './components/Welcome'function App() {return (<Routes><Route path="users" element={<Users />} /><Route path="users/:userId" element={<UserDetails />} /><Route path="users/admin" element={<Admin />} /><Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} /></Routes>);}export default App;
The question to you is if we navigate to users/admin, will the user details page be rendered or the admin page render?
Let's head to the browser and find out so localhost:3000/users/admin and you can see that the admin component is rendered. This is something I want you to keep in mind.
Even though we have a dynamic route where the userId can be anything, React router is smart enough to first match the route that is more specific. So if you navigate to users/admin, the React router will first try to find a matching route only, if that is not found will it match the dynamic route.
Nested Dynamic Routes?
All right the last bit I want to mention here is that dynamic routes can be nested as well
Since the two routes we have just configured have users as the prefix we can nest them of course the child component would be rendered within the parent component
So the user's parent route will now have opening and closing tags and the two routes are nested inside from the path prop though we need to remove users
import { Component } from 'react'import { Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom'import { Admin } from './components/Admin';import { UserDetails } from './components/UserDetails';import { Users } from './components/Users';function App() {return (<Routes><Route path="users" element={<Users />} ><Route path=":userId" element={<UserDetails />} /><Route path="admin" element={<Admin />} /></Route><Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} /></Routes>);}export default App;
Finally, in the user's component, we need to add the outlet component for rendering the child
so import outlet from react-router-dom and invoke it below the list of users
import React from 'react'import { Outlet } from 'react-router-dom'export const Users = () => {return (<div><h2> User 1</h2><h2> User 2</h2><h2> User 3</h2><Outlet /></div>)}
Take a look at the browser and our nested dynamic route is working as expected
Alright, let me quickly summarize the takeaway points from this article
First when dealing with a list detail pattern or if the route parameter can vary in value make use of dynamic routes specify the URL param denoted by a colon prefix in the path
Second point react-router will always try to match the route that is more specific before trying to match a dynamic route so slash admin before slash userId
Third, it is possible to have nested dynamic routes
Hopefully, this video has given you a good amount of information on dynamic routes
Here is the link to know more about React routes