We will see how to use the modal verb "can" in English grammar and with examples of how to use the modal verb "can"

Can -  is a modal verb that is used with another verb to give more details about the action. The modal verb "can" has only one form. We can’t add -ing, -ed, or -s  to it.

We use the modal verb "can" to express:


To talk about someone’s general ability to do something

For example, 

1. John can speak several languages.

2. Can you ride? No, I can’t.

3. My father can play the kabaddi.


To say that something is possible or impossible for someone or something

For example, 

1. Smoking can cause lung cancer.

2. I'll do what I can, but I can’t promise anything.

3. Marry James? You cannot be serious!

Giving or Refusing permission

To show that someone is allowed to do something

For example, 

1. You can stay for the weekend if you want.

2. You can't park here.

3. I can vote in a general election when I am 18.

Asking permission

To ask permission to do something

For example, 

1. Can I borrow your pen?

2. Can I use the photocopier?

3. Can I ask a question, please?


To make a suggestion

For example, 

1. If necessary, we can change the date.

2. If you like, I can go with you.

We use different forms of the modal verb "can" to express:

Affirmative form

We use ‘can’ before the base form of the main verb.

For example, 

1. He can speak Spanish.

2. I can guess why you’re upset.

Negative form

We form the negative by adding 'not' after 'can'.

For example, 

1. Please let us know if you cannot come.

2. We can shorten the negative form cannot to can’t.

3. He can’t play tennis.

Question form

To form the question we put ‘can’ in front of the subject.

For example, 

1. Can I smoke here? - Yes, you can.

2. Can I take her for a walk?

Note:- We never use 'do', 'does', or 'did' to form the negative or question of 'can'.

We often use ‘can’ in question tags.

For example, 

1. I can park over there, can’t I?

2. He can’t dance very well, can he?

The past form can

Could is the past form of the modal verb can. It means that someone had the ability to do something, or that something was possible

For example, 

1. David could walk when she was ten months old.

Modal Verb "CAN" Quiz

Question of

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The above Quiz questions

I _____ choose, I like then both.

a) can

b) can't

I ______ decide what to do. You choose!

a) can

b) can't

I'll see what I ______ do to help

a) can

b) can't

As far as I _________ see, there's nothing wrong with you.

a) can

b) can't

He was the only one who ________ help me.

a) can

b) can't


It was so noisy that we ________ hear anything.

a) can

b) can't


d) couldn't

There is no one around—I can't understand it.

a) can not

b) can't

Which sentence is correct?

a) We can to eat in a pizzeria if you like.

b) I can only seeing you for ten minutes.

c) The evenings  can be quite cold here.

Which sentence is correct?

a) Do you can take this bag while I get my key?

b) Can you take this bag while I get my key?

c) Can you to take this bag while I get my key?

Which sentence is NOT correct?

a) I can not believe the price of the rugs!

b) I cannot predict what the next ten years will bring.

c) I can't see a thing without my contact lenses.

Please note that we write cannot as one word.

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